Thursday, September 4, 2008

Something New

So this whole blog thing is new to me, but I thought that it would be fun to chronicle my pregnancy and update all of you on life with the twinkies when they arrive.

This summer was definitely quite eventful for us! After weeks of injections, bloodwork, ultrasounds, a retrieval, and transfer, Mark and I were successful in achieving our ultimate goal...pregnancy! A few weeks after our pregnancy was confirmed we found out that we were having twins! Two for the price of one, not bad. : )

I am currently 11 weeks and 3 days along. The babies are due March 23, 2009, and hopefully they bake for just that long! Pregnancy has been wonderful so far. Thankfully I never really had horrible morning sickness! The worst of it has simply been extreme exhaustion, which seems to be easing up as the weeks go by.

I'll have some pictures up soon as we continue to go to our monthly ultrasounds, and hopefully we'll soon get to share the news of exactly what the twinkies will be!

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