Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Life's a beach!

At the beginning of the month we took the boys on their very first vacation to Rosemary Beach! Ari and Noah were terrific on the drive down, and on the drive back...we didn't even have to stop! The house that we stayed in was perfect and didn't need much baby proofing. The first night was miserable because the boys wouldn't sleep, but once they got used to their new surroundings, everything was great! Just like their mommy, they HATED the sand! They wouldn't even sit down on a towel that was laying on the sand. We had to hold them the whole time, but thankfully they enjoyed the water, so we were able to get plenty of swimming in.

My mom went with us, which was a HUGE help! I really can't imagine what the trip would have been like had the four of us gone by ourselves. I know that we will in the future, but it would have been quite difficult without an extra set of hands.

Thankfully, the beach was still beautiful and unaffected by the oil. We made it by just a week or two! I know that each time we go back, it'll be a little easier. Hopefully next year they'll enjoy playing in the sand...and will even walk on it if we're lucky! : )

The boys loved walking to the beach every day!

And thankfully, they loved wearing their hats!

Snacks were an absolute must!

We brought Ari and Noah's toys down in a tupperware storage container,
which they turned into a new toy using their creative imaginations!

The boys loved the freedom of being able to run around!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A few from the first

School's our for summer, but it might as well not be! Summer learning is going to be keeping me busy after-hours for a few weeks. This is going to be a super busy week. The boys have their 15 month check-up on Thursday, and we're leaving for Rosemary Beach on Sunday. Lots to pack, and get ready for...and some summer learning to do in between. I'm just a little bitter about it, if you couldn't tell!

Anyway, I needed a little pepping up, so here are a few from the first! The boys enjoyed their cupcakes, and thankfully didn't get too messy. A few days later we had a big family event at the house, which ended with Ari getting sick. All in all, it was a great time!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

On Friday, April 2, 2010, Mark and I took the boys to the zoo for the very first time. It was hot as ever, but the boys were really great! They loved looking at the animals! Snacks were an essential in keeping the boys happy, and they each got to choose their own keepsake!

When you're 15...

you can build a masterpiece...

or be silly one minute...

and serious the next!

How time has flown! I can't believe that they boys are 15 months old today. It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for them, and now they're here, and doing amazing things! Both boys had a bit of the sniffles this weekend, and somehow passed it on to me and both grandmas. It's so sad to hear them all congested. I've suctioned out the noses, but the sneezes seem to be their only relief in getting the yucky stuff out. Mark took Ari to the doctor on Friday because he was running a bit of a fever. Beside the cold bug, he has 6 teeth coming in all at once...poor little guy! Today was much better, though! He definitely had a big smile to show for it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Dear Ari and Noah,

The two of you have always been such good eaters. You must be going through a phase. You haven't made feeding an easy task the past few days. I hope that tomorrow will be better. Please eat!



Monday, May 17, 2010

gimme, gimme

The past few days our little Noah has been all about giving! Every little thing that he finds on the floor (crumbs included) he brings to me, and puts into my hand. Sometimes he just pretends. It's too cute! Ari on the other hand, is only giving to himself...everything goes in the mouth!

On a side note, we had the most AMAZING day yesterday! We started the Sunday morning off with our usual Publix run. When we got home the boys went down for their nap, and slept for almost two hours. Afterward we went to Longhorn for lunch. The boys totally ate up their grilled cheese sandwich and french fries. They also had two people (diners) come up to them to tell them how well behaved they were! ; ) We then journeyed up to the outlets and walked around for a couple of hours. We couldn't have asked any more of them! They were so wonderful!! Each day they remind me of how lucky we are!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Looks like we made it!

Seems like time is passing faster than the blink of an eye these days! The boys are now almost 15 months old. On February 24th they hit the one year mark! It has been such an amazing year! It was so exciting to see them turn one, but I also felt a sense of accomplishment in that Mark and I survived a whole year as parents. And I must say that we've done a pretty fantastic job! However I can't take all the credit...our family has been pretty amazing as well!

Ari and Noah are now officially two little people! They are definitely no longer little balls of silly putty that just lay around staring at toys hanging up above. At the end of their 13th month they both started walking. Ari was the first to take a few steps, and Noah followed right after the very next day! I'm also very proud to say that bottles and jar food are no more! Although I have to admit that I do still stress a good bit about feeding them.

Both boys totally have minds of their own. Noah is the talker, Ari is the problem solver, but on certain days I find that roles reverse. There is nothing more entertaining these days than sitting around watching the two of them play! I only have 10 more days of work until I get to spend my entire summer with my delicious little munchkins. Can't wait!

Noah and Ari

Becoming parents has been the best experience in the world. There is nothing more important to us than providing unconditional love and laughter to our little ones. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. People look at us and often say, "I can't even imagine what it'd be like to have twins." I can't imagine what it would be like to have just one!

Oh...I guess I do need to mention that these photos were taken by Brigette from Just Bee Photos! She did an amazing job! : )

So mad...

at myself for not keeping up with this blog! New posts to come very soon...tonight!