Thursday, December 31, 2009

I've been a bad, bad girl...

as Fiona Apple would say. Where have I been!? Life has been so busy, and it's been really hard to keep up with this blog, especially after a long day! It's hard to believe that one of the most amazing years of our lives is coming to an end, but I am so looking forward to what the coming year has to bring.

Ari and Noah have grown so much in the past few months! They've gone from being little balls of silly putty, to strong and curious little munchkins. Noah started crawling on Thanksgiving Day, and Ari just a couple of days after. Both boys are now pulling up on everything to stand, and cruising around! Walking, I'm sure, is right around the corner!

I hope that in the new year I will find the time to blog more. Life is quickly changing on a daily basis and there is so much that I don't want to forget. New pictures to come soon!

Happy New Year, everyone!