Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Since about the age of five, losing weight has always been at the top of my list of resolutions...not this year!

As the new year rings in I hope for the happiest and healthiest babies in the world. I hope to be a wonderful, understanding, and patient mother and wife. I hope that God gives me all the energy that I need to keep up with two little munchkins! I intend to believe that there is no such thing as being super-mom, and if laundry needs to be put off for one day, or there are dishes left in the sink, it's nothing to beat myself up about. I have to let some of my OCDs go, and this will be the year to do it!

And of course after all of these things are said and done...I hope to lose the baby weight! : )

Happy 2009!

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