Saturday, December 13, 2008


It's 6:40 a.m. on a Saturday morning and I've been awake since 5:30. We had our 25 week ultrasound yesterday and it didn't quite go as smoothly as all the others. The babies are doing just fine, which we are very thankful for, but my cervix is another story. It's measuring short. Basically that means that I need to get off my feet and go in for another test on Friday. It could be a potential sign of the babies coming early, but it didn't measure short enough to be in the danger zone. After our ultrasound the doctor hooked me up to a machine to measure for contractions. I don't believe that I've had any at all, but at the same time I had no idea what they are supposed to feel like. Anywho, thankfully no contractions. I just keep telling myself that all will be well!

I'm starting to get a little worried about what is going to happen work-wise. I'm hoping not to have to go on bed-rest, which is what will happen if things still haven't changed by next Friday. Oy!

On a brighter note, something truly wonderful happened yesterday morning. As many of you know I have been freaking out (no way!) a little about my work situation for next year. There is a brand new elementary school that will be opening down the road next fall. I have been driving to Peachtree Elementary for 4 years now, but next year the 40 minute drive would be very difficult with two little munchkins in the picture. Our principal called an emergency staff meeting yesterday morning to tell us that she will be transferring to White Oak Elementary next year!!! Woohoo! So next year my commute to work will change from 40 minutes to 5!

I have truly been blessed this year! My dream of becoming a mother is on its way to fulfillment. I have finally finished graduate school, and now everything for work next year has fallen into the right track. I couldn't be more thankful!

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