My sweet, sweet grandma passed away on September 30th. This was the last picture that I took with her and Ari back in August.

The very next day after she passed away, Ari had surgery at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. He was such a trooper! Everything went very smoothly, and healed very quickly!

The boys totally love each other! They play together all the time now, and have started fighting over toys! I'm so glad that they have each other.

Ari has a new-found love for taking off his socks...and eating them! It always seems to be the right sock that comes off.

The boys are so interested in everything now. They love to touch and feel objects, and explore. Of course, everything usually ends up in their mouth!
Ari and Noah both have their two bottom teeth! My sister took a bunch of these amazing pictures today. Ari was proud to show his pearly whites!

And if you look very closely, you can see Noah's too!

Ari has also learned to clap! He does it all the time. Of course, I totally dig it when I get a round of applause from a great singing performance! : ) Noah is still working on the clapping, but can totally wave bye-bye!

The boys also have a new-found love for Nixon, and he totally loves them! Our poors dogs have completely been shafted since the boys were born. It's been difficult to give them the attention that they deserve. Now that the boys are becoming more mobile, it's a totally different story!
It's crazy to think that a year has almost passed us by. The boys will be a year in just four more months! An entire year! They're learning so much everyday and growing so quickly! When Mark took the boys in for their second flu shot the other day, Noah weighed 20.8 lbs, and Ari was 20.3 lbs. We are so blessed to have such amazing little munchkins in our lives. I thank God each and every single day for them!
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