The boys are growing faster and faster each day! I hate that I'm missing out on picture opportunities while I'm away at work, but I snap away every second I can when I'm at home.

Dear Noah, however, has given us quite a few sleepless nights. Last night was pretty stinkin terrible. He'll go to sleep just fine, but wakes up several times a night screaming his head off. He had two awesome nights over the weekend, but that pattern quickly changed. There was something different about last night, though. Mark and I think that he may have a little tooth cutting through. So instead of sleeping through the night, the little munchkin falls asleep during breakfast because he's so wiped out!
The boys have definitely taken on a love for television! Nogin is the channel of choice. It's amazing how captivated they are by the sounds and colors! Here they are watching Yo Gabba Gabba...a very strange, but entertaining show.

Thanfully the boys also like books! I make sure to read to them at least once every day. Ari loves his Oliva book! Yesterday Mark and I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the boys Where the Wild Things Are, one of my all time favorites! I can only hope that the boys have a true love for books as they grow up!
Ari's two bottom teeth have now cut through. He is a drooley mess, and seems to be quite uncomfortable at times. Thank goodness for teething rings! He is still so curious about everything, and pays such close attention to minute details. We think he's going to be a neuro-surgeon! The past two mornings Ari has woken up on his belly. This scares the crap out of me because he doesn't yet know how to roll over back on to his back. Last night I went into his room and flipped him back over because he was sleeping with his face smothered into his mattress!

Noah has been very curious as well lately! He reaches for everything in sight, including the camera! He can now roll over both ways when he chooses to. He usually goes from back to tummy, but then forgets that he know how to roll over back onto his back.

He's also taken up a love for pilates! I'm am totally amazed by his flexibility!

Dear Noah, however, has given us quite a few sleepless nights. Last night was pretty stinkin terrible. He'll go to sleep just fine, but wakes up several times a night screaming his head off. He had two awesome nights over the weekend, but that pattern quickly changed. There was something different about last night, though. Mark and I think that he may have a little tooth cutting through. So instead of sleeping through the night, the little munchkin falls asleep during breakfast because he's so wiped out!
The boys have definitely taken on a love for television! Nogin is the channel of choice. It's amazing how captivated they are by the sounds and colors! Here they are watching Yo Gabba Gabba...a very strange, but entertaining show.

Thanfully the boys also like books! I make sure to read to them at least once every day. Ari loves his Oliva book! Yesterday Mark and I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the boys Where the Wild Things Are, one of my all time favorites! I can only hope that the boys have a true love for books as they grow up!
So that is where we are now. The boys had their 6 month checkup two weeks ago. Ari weighed 18 lbs, 1 oz. and Noah came in at 18 lbs, 10 oz. Both have probably made it to 19 lbs by now! They love to eat and don't miss a meal! We are so lucky to have such awesome babies!
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