Our big, little man! You have definitely grown from a fragile little guy, to one healthy little man! You love to eat and demand food right when you want it, crying until you turn tomato red and sweaty! You can definitely be feisty, but your sweet side is what warms our hearts. We love how in the morning after your 8 o'clock hour feeding you just lay around and observe. It's fun to watch you notice different things around you. You and your brother have the sweetest little cheeks, and you both do this adorable pucker thing with your lips.
You were so brave on your 8th day of life when you had your Bris. You've had 3 tub baths so far and loved every minute of them! We love seeing you so calm and mellow. You too are a blessing to your daddy and me. We love you and Ari to pieces!

Our little man. It's amazing to see how much you have grown this month. You were born 5.5 lbs and you're probably now pushing about 8 lbs! We'll find out for sure tomorrow at your one month appointment. You are such a sweet and patient little one, only crying when you're hungry. From day one you would open your eyes and look at us as if you knew exactly what we were talking about! You now keep your eyes open a lot more, looking at the world around you.
You still haven't had your first tub bath because your belly button has not completely dried out yet, but I think you'll be able to very shortly. You have been such a blessing to your daddy and me.
You're also wonderful to your little brother. You were right there next to him for moral support during his Bris, and I'm sure he'll do the same for you in a few months. We hope that you and your brother will be best friends. We can't wait to see you interact and play with each other!
We love you so much!
Boys, we are so thankful and grateful to have you in our lives. Both of you were extremely wanted! We wish you nothing but happiness in life and hope that all of your dreams and wishes come true. Both of you were our wish and our dream, and your daddy and I couldn't be happier to have you in our world!
Where has the time gone? It's hard to believe that the Twinkies are a month old today! It feels like next week they'll be starting kindergarten! This has been the most wonderful month of our lives. Having two babies really hasn't been that bad. There have definitely been challenging times...being alone and both of them wanting to eat at the same time...but every second has been totally worth it. I've decided that each month I am going to post a letter to each of the boys updating their milestones. I'm actually taking this idea off of another blog that I read. So here we go...the inaugural letter.
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